Sunday, January 31, 2010

Breaking things down.........the week in review

The difference in how I feel when having a deadline to meet with or without legal implications and how I approach everyday life is vast. When I have a clearly definable goal with clear expectations and demands I come through. One way or another I come through. Come hell or high water I'm getting it done. But going through a career-change search or one for companionship is a murky process to say the least. As one of my old teachers put it, "As clear as mud."

I liken it to someone leaving college with a liberal arts degree and having no idea where to go with it. They've got no network that'll get them a job straight out of school, no influential family members that'll give sis or jr. the keys to the family business. Compare that with someone with an engineering, nursing, or accounting degree for example, or what I would call one of the more vocational disciplines in school. What those people have learned is clearly valued by the HR droids who are the gatekeepers to the working world. There are skills obtained through getting a nursing degree that makes that person immediately employable. Not so with the dreaded liberal arts/humanities person. And guess who I identify with?

It is a feeling like your trying to make a u-turn with an aircraft carrier in rough waters no less. Try as I might I can't see through this. I can remember this feeling for ages and I want it to go away. That is my next goal, to understand what's making me feel this way. I'm just not seeing the opportunities out there and I'm tired of it. Life is too short to be like this. And I have to stop making that last statement trigger a sense of urgency in me such that I rush into things much too quickly and make decisions not suited for me. But this has to stop.
I wish I could snap my fingers like I'm at a Tony Robbins seminar and suddenly snap out of it. See, there's no clear deadline for me and no clear steps on how to get into the job for me or how to attract the woman of my dreams. That lack of clearly definable steps is what gets me every time. All I can do is create a vision of what and who I want. How to get there is the frustrating part because it's a place I've never been.

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